We are experiencing some weather difficulties. IT. WON'T. STOP. SNOWING!

In the last few weeks, I have had one nice day (see pics below) where I was able to get out and paint, otherwise it has been all rain, snow, or just COLD. Don't get me wrong, I like snow, when I am living in places where people know how to drive in it, and they have the ability to deal with it. Not so much here where any talk of snow sends everyone into panic mode! It's crazy! The kids have had more half days, early out days and canceled school days this year then I had my entire school career, and that includes college!
You'd think that with all this snow forcing us inside that I would get some inside projects done, but we thought it would be more fun to hibernate and play Wii. What can I say we just got it for Christmas 2 months ago. :-)
But just so you know that I have not been sitting around doing nothing, here is a little peak at some of the stuff I was working on.

I was finally able to get the last 3 chairs sanded and primed(back on that one warm day). Unfortunately I ran out of primer before I could finish, then of course, after I got more, it got cold again. Live and learn!

Primed these with a gray primer. These side tables will be black when I am done with them, and there is a matching coffee table that still needs a little more work before I can prime and paint it.
Here is a great
before and
after, but it wasn't by me.
I was helping a friend redo her dining table and bench. I helped her sand and fill stuff in with wood filler, sand some more, and paint. It was a lot of work because there were a lot of decorative "holes" that did nothing but accumulate food, so we filled them all so she could keep her sanity when cleaning off the table.

We worked most of the day and only got the first coat of paint done before I had to leave.
After the first coat of paintShe finished up painting and then sealing it with a polycrylic satin finish on her own. It was her first BIG project and she did an awesome job!!! Here is a picture of the final product that she emailed to me.
(She refinished the table and one of the benches, then bought a bench and the 2 chairs)
Great Job Brandi!!!
Next week the forecast says Sunny and in the 50's. I sure hope that the forecast is correct, I have a garage full of projects that are waiting for the weather to warm up! I should have more to show after that!